Monday, June 7, 2010

Behavior and Nutrition

Watch Behavior and Nutrition by Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. neurosurgeon

Highlights of this video:

Pregnant women can influence the life of their child to the point of determining their hypertension or breast cancer risk, by their diet in utero.

Relation of sugar and hyperactivity. The two biggest food sources that contribute to our sugar consumption are sodas and fruit juices.

The brain is constantly rebuilding itself. Some parts of the brain rebuild in decades, some as fast as two weeks. DHA fatty acid is essential for brain function, and if the brain has a deficiency of DHA for two weeks, it has an affect on how the brain rebuilds itself.

Hypoglycemia can imitate neurosis, hysteria, neurasthenia, and even psychosis. Associated with anxiety schizophrenia.

Crime and nutrition: change diet, probation violations decreased 86%. The more violent offenders, the more deficient the diet. Even marginal deficiencies in nutrition can lead to behavioral problems. Change the diet, and behaviors and drug use are dramatically reduced.

Consuming high calorie, high sugar diets, results in lots of free radicals= every cell in your body will age faster. Leads to Alzheimer's.

Treat an alcoholic for hypoglycemia, and get a 71% rate of recovery from alcoholism. Treat an alcoholic with Alcoholics Anonymous and get a 25% rate of recovery. Ninety-seven percent of alcoholics are hypoglycemic, vs. 18% for controls. Most of the crimes, most of the auto accidents in U.S. are connected to alcohol.

SSR drugs for depression are supposed to make serotonin levels go up, but in some people it makes serotonin levels go down, and these are kids that end up getting suicidal.

A study removed food dyes and had dramatic results. The biggest behavioral reactions to food dyes are to Yellow 5 and sodium benzoate. Another common behavioral reaction is to soy.

People are consuming lots of soy, thinking it prevents breast cancer, and it doesn't.

Serotonin helps repress aggressive acts, controls suicide and depression. Corn is very low in tryptophan (serotonin).

National Nutritional Survey of Adolescents
60% deficient in iron
57% in vitamin A
43% in vitamin C
39% in vitamin B1
30% in protein
16% in riboflavin

Niacin has a lot to do with mental illness. Other nutrients associated with behavior are vitamins C, D, E, K, A, B, and carotenoids.

Food allergies affecting the brain. Many symptoms are subtle or purely neurological and people don't even know they have them. Lists many symptoms. (Lethargy, stupor, disorientation, paranoia, delusions, hallucination, agitation, rage, panic attacks, criminal behavior, and even seizures) Also lists common food allergens.

Schizophrenic study:
88% schizophrenics allergic to wheat
60% to milk
50% to corn
100% to either gliaden or gluten
As long as they avoided gliaden or gluten they were normal. When they got back on it, even a small amount, all their schizophrenic symptoms came back and they had to be hospitalized.

Vaccinations. Create an immune reaction that will not subside for years. Create an inflamed brain. Causes autism, etc.

Animal saturated fat impairs brain function; omega 3-fatty acids, DHA, and arachidonic acid improve brain function.

Rage and violence occurs with deficient levels of DHA, with MSG, or even very small amounts of lead.

We're getting way too many omega 6 fats and not enough omega 3 fats, but the ratio between the two is very important. At the turn of the century our diet ratio was about 1:2, and now its about 1:46. Omega 6 comes from corn oil, canola, peanut, safflower, etc. Omega 3 from walnuts, flax, fish.

Artificial estrogen is a brain toxin.

Toxins: Aluminum, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Fluoride, MSG, Aspartame, Pesticides, Herbicides, Industrial Solvents, Food Dyes, Excessive Vaccinations

You'll just feel so smart after finishing this video, and feel there's so much more to learn! He's a great speaker, knows what he's talking about, and a well-researched brain neurosurgeon. He has a short sum-up at the end.

He has also written a book Health and Nutrition Secrets, and I don't know what parts of that book play here in this video.

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