Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is good for many things. This post goes out to my husband who is a huge advocate.

Apple Cider Vinegar should be unadulterated and selected to contain "The Mother" to get the best benefit. Kevin Tudreau in his book Natural Cures makes clear that the FDA strictly enforces its law that "only a drug can treat, prevent, or cure a disease," in order to destroy natural, unpatentable cures' ability to interfere with the sale of highly profitable patented drugs. This point comes home when I look at the back of our apple cider vinegar bottle, which states lots of benefits, but "The comments here are not evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." The reason they have to put that on the back of the bottle is that if they did claim it could do any of the above, they would be selling "drugs" without a license, and could potentially be put in jail or receive other retaliation by the FDA.

Here's what it says: Hippocrates, called the Father of Medicine, first prescribed it as a remedy in 400 B.C. (Ironic that the Father of Medicine prescribed it but it cannot even be claimed to help disease today.) They offer a book on the remedies and recipes of vinegar by sending $12 to Appleseed Orchards PO Box 1340 Sebastopol, CA 95473. Works as a disinfectant for things such as phones and computers so dangerous chemicals aren't on our hands and fingers, whiffing it helps with sniffles and stuffed noses, it repels insects, removes rust, whitens dingy socks, loosens hardened paint brushes, stops poison oak itch, and cleans shower mildew.

My husband's favorite use of it is to drink it diluted when he feels a cold or flu coming on. It changes the body's PH to prevent disease. My favorite use is taking a bath in it; its the best thing for a yeast infection even above over the counter meds and eating plain yogurts. Drinking lots of water is also helpful.

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