Friday, November 26, 2010
What to buy organic
Here's a list from the environmental working group, starting with the least contaminated produce by pesticides, and ending with the worst. (Its hard to keep track of, so our family has to keep taking pop quizzes.) I wonder if there's a similar study for grains. Here's a link to a lot more information about how to use the study. I also like this slide show, which may be a little outdated, though.
Elimination Diet
So, I guess I'm out for detoxing and cleansing for another year +, because toxins are eliminated in breast milk which would harm the baby. I just signed up for a gym membership to do saunas, which I can do while breastfeeding (but not pregnant), but I don't know how useful they'll be without detoxing.
While detoxing is out (for over a year! :(), the elimination diet may be our next adventure. Many people have food sensitivities, allergies, or diseases. Celiac's disease is a genetic intolerance of gluten which is very rare and will never be cured. Many people may claim to have Celiac's disease but are really just gluten intolerant. A food allergy is an auto-immune response which can result in hives, rashes, asthma, and other serious symptoms. Food sensitivities are common (we all have them), and are just reactions to food we eat. Symptoms may include headaches, gas, abdominal pain, moodiness, ADHD, hyperactivity, etc. Symptoms to all these three conditions, I believe, can be physical or neurological. Some reactions are very subtle, and many people do not even realize their food allergies or sensitivities. (read here)
The most accurate way to diagnose a food sensitivity or allergy is by using an elimination diet. This article from the Encyclopedia of Children's Health briefly describes an elimination diet. One basically needs to discontinue eating the food for a period of time so the body can be cleaned out of what it is reacting to, and then (if its not a horrible allergy that could send them to the hospital) reintroduced into the diet. Once the body has been cleaned out and it is reintroduced, the reaction will be more pronounced than before, and you will "know" if you're sensitive or allergic. It is important to keep a food diary, though, to record your daily mood, feelings, and mental and physical symptoms. Multiple foods can be eliminated, and reintroduced one food at a time every three days.
I had originally made a plan to reintroduce in the following order: eggs, gluten, corn, wheat, yeast, dairy, which seemed most logical because... wheat contains gluten, but so do many grains; yeast products usually contain wheat, and dairy often harbors yeast. So, someone with a yeast allergy may reintroduce dairy and think they are reacting to dairy when they are actually reacting to yeast.
I'm pretty concerned about my son having a food allergy or food sensitivity. The good news is, these can be reversed! For children, because their bodies are growing and
healing so fast, it may take 2-6 months to clear up, whereas for adults it takes 1 - 1 1/2 year as our bodies are slower to heal. It simply requires eliminating the offending food, and the sensitivity or allergy may heal itself and it can be reintroduced with no reaction. (All this and above info. come from my Certified Naturopath/Midwife)

One downside to a new diet is: you don't know what to eat! So, I found two diets with menus:
Rotating Your Diet
The main thing to be learned is that we need to vary our diets! Food intolerances can be to anything we're eating too much. Common food allergies are to wheat, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, staple foods. Anything we're eating as a staple is likely to become a problem. You could even become allergic to garlic if you're eating it everyday. A good rule of thumb is to not eat any one kind of food more than once for at least every four days. For example, limiting wheat and fish to Monday, oats and pork to Tuesday, Barley and Beef to all seems kind of challenging to me, so this will be an adventure. Its kind of against the conventional wisdom "eat 48 grams whole grains, 4 glasses of milk, a day."
We'll be trying an elimination diet soon, hopefully, after the New Year, so the holidays don't interrupt. It will be challenging, relieving to know that my family is eating food that doesn't give them reactions.
While detoxing is out (for over a year! :(), the elimination diet may be our next adventure. Many people have food sensitivities, allergies, or diseases. Celiac's disease is a genetic intolerance of gluten which is very rare and will never be cured. Many people may claim to have Celiac's disease but are really just gluten intolerant. A food allergy is an auto-immune response which can result in hives, rashes, asthma, and other serious symptoms. Food sensitivities are common (we all have them), and are just reactions to food we eat. Symptoms may include headaches, gas, abdominal pain, moodiness, ADHD, hyperactivity, etc. Symptoms to all these three conditions, I believe, can be physical or neurological. Some reactions are very subtle, and many people do not even realize their food allergies or sensitivities. (read here)
The most accurate way to diagnose a food sensitivity or allergy is by using an elimination diet. This article from the Encyclopedia of Children's Health briefly describes an elimination diet. One basically needs to discontinue eating the food for a period of time so the body can be cleaned out of what it is reacting to, and then (if its not a horrible allergy that could send them to the hospital) reintroduced into the diet. Once the body has been cleaned out and it is reintroduced, the reaction will be more pronounced than before, and you will "know" if you're sensitive or allergic. It is important to keep a food diary, though, to record your daily mood, feelings, and mental and physical symptoms. Multiple foods can be eliminated, and reintroduced one food at a time every three days.
I had originally made a plan to reintroduce in the following order: eggs, gluten, corn, wheat, yeast, dairy, which seemed most logical because... wheat contains gluten, but so do many grains; yeast products usually contain wheat, and dairy often harbors yeast. So, someone with a yeast allergy may reintroduce dairy and think they are reacting to dairy when they are actually reacting to yeast.
I'm pretty concerned about my son having a food allergy or food sensitivity. The good news is, these can be reversed! For children, because their bodies are growing and

One downside to a new diet is: you don't know what to eat! So, I found two diets with menus:
- The Whole Life Nutrition Elimination Diet 28-day detox (see phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and challenge phase. Recipes are compiled in the Whole Life Nutrition cookbook available through Sno-Isle libraries) or
- Another option is this elimination diet with a 7-day menu plan.
Rotating Your Diet
The main thing to be learned is that we need to vary our diets! Food intolerances can be to anything we're eating too much. Common food allergies are to wheat, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, staple foods. Anything we're eating as a staple is likely to become a problem. You could even become allergic to garlic if you're eating it everyday. A good rule of thumb is to not eat any one kind of food more than once for at least every four days. For example, limiting wheat and fish to Monday, oats and pork to Tuesday, Barley and Beef to all seems kind of challenging to me, so this will be an adventure. Its kind of against the conventional wisdom "eat 48 grams whole grains, 4 glasses of milk, a day."
We'll be trying an elimination diet soon, hopefully, after the New Year, so the holidays don't interrupt. It will be challenging, relieving to know that my family is eating food that doesn't give them reactions.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Candida Yeast cleanse
Jeffrey S. McCombs claims to have the best plan to combat and cleanse from candida yeast, superior to other methods that have failed. However, the six steps must all be followed strictly, or don't even start he states. One of the steps is sweating 6 times a week, so this is going to take some dedication! Its a sixteen-week+ cleanse, too. He says its simple, though. It includes:
1. the diet
2. a sweating regimen
3. water consumption
4. anti-fungal supplement (Candida Force)
5. detox supplement (Detox Essentials, basically vitamin C), and
6. acidophilus supplement (Flora Prime 5 capsules 2 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals)
Above are his recommendations for supplements, which he gets no moneys from but are available through his web site.
It has performed miracles for people that felt hopeless and were labeled by doctors as "hypochondriacs." The saunas are not optional, and remove lots of symptoms and toxins from deep within the tissues. Can't wait to do that.
My question is, since he states we have over 500 naturally occuring symbiotic bacteria in our system, 300-400 living in the gut, how are we to restore all 500 after they're wiped out by antibiotics?
Update Nov 5, 2010:
Read the whole book, and while his cleanse is highly recommended by Kevin Trudeau, author of "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About," McCombs has some pretty strange health philosophies and theories.
My doctor said the basic cleanse (if it doesn't contain the wormwood) from the RENEW plan would be okay during breastfeeding, as would the liver cleanse, and saunas. The heavy metal cleanse she recommended not doing, as when you're detoxing, the toxins can exit through the breast milk. So, why would I want to do any? Also, its okay to use probiotics and acidophilus supplements during breastfeeding, but not the pills that actively destroy the yeast overgrowth. I was a little concerned, as with all three children I will have been on antibiotics for strep B during labor, which upset the balance of bacteria in the gut and could lead to a yeast overgrowth.
I had to go to the library to check out a whole bunch of books using the subject keyword "detox diet" to find out more about detoxing. I've learned we're all toxic, its deep in our tissues and especially our fat, and I wanted to know how to get rid of it; particularly heavy metals. The book "The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps" by Brenda Watson, C.N.C., with Leonard Smith, M.D., gives the most specific advise, and I felt like she knew what she was talking about.
Her five step plan to RENEW is to:
1. Reduce exposure to toxins in your environment. She explains a few ways we get toxins in our systems, from water systems, chemicals we clean with, and chemicals in our clothes and bedding. Once educated, we can try our best to avoid them.
2. Eliminate Toxins in your body. The body has natural toxin elimination processes, mainly through the liver, but also in six other channels of elimination: the lungs, the liver, the colon, kidneys, skin, blood, and lymph.
3. Nourish your cells and systems. She tells what to eat and drink.*
4. Energize your body, mind, and spirit. (Exercise)
5. Wellness-putting it all together.
On page 100 she tells of four specific cleanses that are recommended, using supplements found in health food stores.
Step One: Total-body basic cleanse (duration: two weeks) (always start with this, then move on to advanced if you want)
Step Two: Total-body advanced cleanse (duration: thirty days)
Step Three: Targeted liver cleanse (30 days, optional)
Step Four: Targeted heavy metal cleanse (30 days, optional)
To aid in the cleansing process she recommends other helps such as digestive enzymes, supplements, dry brushing, saunas, whatever you can do. Too bad I can't do any cleanses while I'm pregnant or breastfeeding. Can't wait. See also the candida yeast cleanse.
These cleanses, she claims, are now widely available. Look for these ingredients on your cleanse:
Total-body basic cleanse
morning formula ingredients:
blessed thistle
burdock root
green tea
hawthorn berry
milk thistle
red clover
yellow dock
Total-body basic cleanse evening formula ingredients:
marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
slippery elm
triphala (An ayurvedic formula)
Total-body advanced cleanse
Morning formula:
burdock root
hawthorn berry
milk thistle
red clover
Evening formula:
cape aloe
magnesium hydroxide
slippery elm
Liver Cleanse
Morning formula:
alpha-lipoic acid
green tea
milk thistle
Evening formula:
Andographis paniculata
Belleric myrobalan
Boerhavia diffusa
Eclipta alba
Picrorhiza kurroa
Tinospora cordifolia
Heavy metal cleanse ingredients:
folic acid
vitamin C
vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
alpha-lipoic acid
sodium alginate
*antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFAs), probiotics, enzymes, fiber supplements, lots of water, raw superfoods, green juicing, fruits and nonstarchy vegetables, whole foods vs. processed, wild fish, avoid dairy, avoid salt, limit coffee and tea, and eat 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid-forming foods.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Chia Seeds
I tried these the other day, sprinkled on my squash, and they really are tasteless. You could put these in anything. Its amazing how nutritious they are; for example, rich in calcium.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Cold Cereals NOT healthy
One of the most surprising things I read in Michael Barbee's book "Politically Incorrect Nutrition" was that whole grain cold cereals are not good for us. It will be a huge adjustment and totally opposite of what I previously believed. Read more here on page 117.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
BPA in milk jugs
So, after making my raw milk google map, I got to thinking about milk containers, and whether they have BPA, and was wondering if after all those phone calls I made if I'd have to make a ton more to ask if they sold in "glass." Well, I googled it, and BPA is a real mess. No one knows what they're talking about when it comes to avoiding BPA. They all contradict each other. I guess I better go to the real sources, like ask Alex (my friend here in Pullman!) or Patricia Hunt, of Washington State University. My husband comes home and says, "Well, after all that hype about BPA, don't you think your milk is BPA-free?" I don't think so. The only things I've seen changed are 1. water bottles 2. baby bottles and 3. home storage containers that all say "BPA free" on them.
Some people in online conversations claimed milk gallons have BPA, others didn't, but those that said they do advised keeping them cool and not re-using them. Then, I thought, what does that mean for recycled milk containers? Does that for sure put BPA (if there is any) in our food?

What really grossed me out is that the cardboard milk cartons are lined with BPA. AAaahh! So, after trying moderately to avoid BPA I get poisoned by WIC and I've totally been eating BPA because they require that you buy milk in "half gallon" and "quart" quantities at times. Thanks a lot, WIC! I went to the fridge, sure enough had a carton, and dumped it down the toilet.
I was doubtful i
f there was any concern about BPA, and then while watching Homo Toxicus one man stated the biggest danger he sees in our environment is BPA, and that scientific research has shown that harmful affects have been found to occur at 23 parts per trillion.
Other interesting things she points out are flame retardants all over our computers, electronics, couches, furniture, mattresses, etc., and our children are exposed to them all the time. She also visited communities that were highly exposed to toxins, like the Inuit of Canada, and others around industrial plants. She went to the lakes and streams and found deformed frogs unable to reproduce because of all the chemical estrogen-like mimicry polluting the water. Additionally, she found sterility among male agricultural workers that are exposed to dangerous pesticides and herbicides, and there is even a GMO corn that was approved to be used as cattle feed only and banned from human consumption because it causes male infertility in humans, but it actually got into our food supply, which they say was inevitable.
Some people in online conversations claimed milk gallons have BPA, others didn't, but those that said they do advised keeping them cool and not re-using them. Then, I thought, what does that mean for recycled milk containers? Does that for sure put BPA (if there is any) in our food?
What really grossed me out is that the cardboard milk cartons are lined with BPA. AAaahh! So, after trying moderately to avoid BPA I get poisoned by WIC and I've totally been eating BPA because they require that you buy milk in "half gallon" and "quart" quantities at times. Thanks a lot, WIC! I went to the fridge, sure enough had a carton, and dumped it down the toilet.
I was doubtful i
Other interesting things she points out are flame retardants all over our computers, electronics, couches, furniture, mattresses, etc., and our children are exposed to them all the time. She also visited communities that were highly exposed to toxins, like the Inuit of Canada, and others around industrial plants. She went to the lakes and streams and found deformed frogs unable to reproduce because of all the chemical estrogen-like mimicry polluting the water. Additionally, she found sterility among male agricultural workers that are exposed to dangerous pesticides and herbicides, and there is even a GMO corn that was approved to be used as cattle feed only and banned from human consumption because it causes male infertility in humans, but it actually got into our food supply, which they say was inevitable.
No Impact Man
Friday, July 9, 2010
Consumer Loyalty
WatchMcD's: The Rap He just melts my heartstrings when he hits on trans fat and aspartame, and I get a kick out of what he says to Ronald at the end.
So, as we were watching Super Size Me, we saw the scene of the French magazine article stating the detriments of McD's, and advising people to cut back, and McDonald's totally lashed out and said that column was uncalled for, and it dawned on me amidst all the stuff in the movie that McDonalds should probably be put out of business. Sure, they try to cater healthy and have apples for dipping in happy meals and a larger selection of salads, but we really shouldn't ("shouldn't?") have McD's. (I wasn't particularly anti-fast food except for the price until I learned about MSG this March, and now I wouldn't touch it. Learning about the McFrankennugget tips the scales, too, along with modern cow raising techniques.) Can you imagine though, after they dot the entire world to the nth degree, what it would do if all the McDonald's went empty? What a waste that would be? What an economic adjustment that would be? It would be so good though.
But, that's not what I was first thinking. At first, I turned to my husband, and I can't remember what I said but it was something like it would be so sad to boycott McDonald's, or if they went out of business. "We don't even eat there!" He reminded me. "Right!" I thought. We don't even support them in the first place. But with these corporate heads, do you kind of feel guilty wanting them to go away? The friendly Ronald McDonald? Would you feel guilty wanting McD's to disappear if you saw Ronald McDonald at the local parade driving down the street and waving at you with a friendly-shy smile?
Another story: Christmas season and my husband comes home and tells me he was at ShopKo and there was a Santa Clause there and no one in line for him. He was workless. I felt such a twinge of sadness. I was like "Oh, no, that is so sad," and I got a little emotional. I don't even like the Santa thing; I think it makes kids greedy and parents shopoholics, and there I am getting all emotional over a fictional character, and that's just the thing. A corporation has such an identity, its like a person. So, what I'm asking here, is anyone else like me a whimp when it comes to letting go of these corporate Icons? Do we have too much corporate loyalty? Is it too ingrained in us to trust the Big Business? Would we be sad if the corner grocery went out of business? What if all of Sam's club went out of business? Which would bring more grief?
Then, there's another thing. We're in ShopKo again the other day, and my daughter wants to sit and watch the video playing, and its Toy Story. Now, what kind of story line is it that we have to "feel sorry" for giving our toys to charity, and that they have feelings? I mean, its great to build emotions and empathy, but we all know the story, and its geared towards making bonds with these inatimate toys and clinging to them and bonding to them. I think bonding's great, but what is it teaching that we have to bond to the products people are selling us in the store? Are we that out of touch with human relationships? Its a twisted kind of good message that we all love, but does it make you feel that much more guilty for not treating all our "stuff" developed by Matel and Disney with such sentiment we'd cherish it like life itself instead of making real friends with real people like the neighbor across the street?
So, as we were watching Super Size Me, we saw the scene of the French magazine article stating the detriments of McD's, and advising people to cut back, and McDonald's totally lashed out and said that column was uncalled for, and it dawned on me amidst all the stuff in the movie that McDonalds should probably be put out of business. Sure, they try to cater healthy and have apples for dipping in happy meals and a larger selection of salads, but we really shouldn't ("shouldn't?") have McD's. (I wasn't particularly anti-fast food except for the price until I learned about MSG this March, and now I wouldn't touch it. Learning about the McFrankennugget tips the scales, too, along with modern cow raising techniques.) Can you imagine though, after they dot the entire world to the nth degree, what it would do if all the McDonald's went empty? What a waste that would be? What an economic adjustment that would be? It would be so good though.
But, that's not what I was first thinking. At first, I turned to my husband, and I can't remember what I said but it was something like it would be so sad to boycott McDonald's, or if they went out of business. "We don't even eat there!" He reminded me. "Right!" I thought. We don't even support them in the first place. But with these corporate heads, do you kind of feel guilty wanting them to go away? The friendly Ronald McDonald? Would you feel guilty wanting McD's to disappear if you saw Ronald McDonald at the local parade driving down the street and waving at you with a friendly-shy smile?
Another story: Christmas season and my husband comes home and tells me he was at ShopKo and there was a Santa Clause there and no one in line for him. He was workless. I felt such a twinge of sadness. I was like "Oh, no, that is so sad," and I got a little emotional. I don't even like the Santa thing; I think it makes kids greedy and parents shopoholics, and there I am getting all emotional over a fictional character, and that's just the thing. A corporation has such an identity, its like a person. So, what I'm asking here, is anyone else like me a whimp when it comes to letting go of these corporate Icons? Do we have too much corporate loyalty? Is it too ingrained in us to trust the Big Business? Would we be sad if the corner grocery went out of business? What if all of Sam's club went out of business? Which would bring more grief?

Green Cleaners
Toxic Chemicals Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage
Moms Take Action Against Toxic Chemicals
Headzup: Rocket Fuel In Baby Formula
In case you're wondering about this one, there's lots of stuff in our water. The birth control "pill" taken by many women is not fully absorbed by the body, goes into the sewer, and somehow (don't ask me) ends up in our water supply, as does many other pharmaceutical drugs people are taking. Rocket fuel distills from the air onto plants, etc., and gets into our water supply. A popular study I heard of in Natural Cures says rocket fuel was found in 100% of women's breast milk.
Toxic Chemicals Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage
Moms Take Action Against Toxic Chemicals
Headzup: Rocket Fuel In Baby Formula
In case you're wondering about this one, there's lots of stuff in our water. The birth control "pill" taken by many women is not fully absorbed by the body, goes into the sewer, and somehow (don't ask me) ends up in our water supply, as does many other pharmaceutical drugs people are taking. Rocket fuel distills from the air onto plants, etc., and gets into our water supply. A popular study I heard of in Natural Cures says rocket fuel was found in 100% of women's breast milk.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Write Your Government
To contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580
(202) 326-2618
Fax: (202) 326-2034
To contact the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville MD 20857-0001
(888) 463-6332
Fax: (301) 443-6591
To contact your congressman or senator:
Look in local phone book or visit or
To contact the President of the United States:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Comments: (202) 456-1111
Switchboard: (202) 456-1414
Tell 'em what you think. It'd be a good idea to contact food producers, too; questionable ones you're skeptical of, and then good farming practices you support. Its always good to figure out what's in your food.
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580
(202) 326-2618
Fax: (202) 326-2034
To contact the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville MD 20857-0001
(888) 463-6332
Fax: (301) 443-6591
To contact your congressman or senator:
Look in local phone book or visit or
To contact the President of the United States:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Comments: (202) 456-1111
Switchboard: (202) 456-1414
Tell 'em what you think. It'd be a good idea to contact food producers, too; questionable ones you're skeptical of, and then good farming practices you support. Its always good to figure out what's in your food.
Brain Food
My husband has this thing with "brain foods". He'd post a list of what they are on the fridge, and say he needed them. The lists consisted of things such as salmon, spinach, blueberries, flax (we both didn't know what flax was). So, I'd buy a few. Then, on test days, he would tell me that I had disappointed him by not having served him a dinner of something from that list. I wasn't quite catching on, and I didn't realize that's what I was supposed to do. Can you really build your brain up overnight, or stimulate it with food for the hours your supposed to take an exam? Weirdo.
Anyway, here's another generic list of brain foods, which I requested from my husband, which he rightly points out would be enhanced if they listed why they actually are brain foods and how they benefit.
List of 50 brain foods
Brain Food Success blog
Anyway, here's another generic list of brain foods, which I requested from my husband, which he rightly points out would be enhanced if they listed why they actually are brain foods and how they benefit.
List of 50 brain foods
Brain Food Success blog
Hydrogen Peroxide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)
My husband and I learned from "The Beautiful Truth" how one doctor/researcher theorized that we don't actually get colds from our nose but through our ears, and that by placing hydrogen peroxide in the ears and letting it sit for five or so minutes can prevent a coming cold from breaking. My husband read on the net to have it at room temperature, because the cold hydrogen peroxide in the ears can cause dizziness.
Kevin Trudeau states in his book Natural Cures that using hydrogen peroxide and dimethyl sulfoxide intraveneously is one cure for cancer, stiffled because it doesn't bring in the big bucks like chemo. (Evenidently, he claims, chemotherapy is mustard gas, or a version of it, similar to that used in the Second World War to gas prisoners.)
Kevin Trudeau states in his book Natural Cures that using hydrogen peroxide and dimethyl sulfoxide intraveneously is one cure for cancer, stiffled because it doesn't bring in the big bucks like chemo. (Evenidently, he claims, chemotherapy is mustard gas, or a version of it, similar to that used in the Second World War to gas prisoners.)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The movie "The Corporation" repeats this point, saying "economists need to learn to subtract."
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Children are exposed to lead mostly through dust, dirt, and water. Lead poisoning results in lowered IQ, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, and criminal behavior. Early exposure to lead shrinks areas of the brain associated with attention, decision making, and emotional control. "The optimal level for lead in the blood is zero. Federal safe blood-lead levels are set at 10 mcg/dL, though it's known that damage occurs at even lower levels. Reducing our children's exposure to lead will be an expensive undertaking that may require government subsidy, but must be done."
Ways to reduce lead exposure:
1. Buy a testing kit with wipes that turn color in the presence of lead, especially if you live in an older home. Move out during any remodels. Wipe down walls regularly and take off shoes to reduce amount of dust tracked in.
2. Have your child's blood-levels checked at 10-12 mos. and at 2 years.
3. Make sure your children eat foods rich in calcium and iron. Pregnant women need adequate calcium so lead is not drawn from their bones into the blood supply.
4. Test household water for lead using an inexpensive screening kit. Replace pipes if they are accessible and appear to be a problem, or get a filter.
5. Dispose of thermometers, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs, etc., as hazardous waste.
6. Request lead checks of schools, day care facilities, community centers, wherever children spend time.
7. Avoid fish and get omega-3 fatty acids through a purified fish oil supplement instead. Check state-by-state freshwater warnings at
8. Do not give your children patent remedies from China, India, Mexico, or the Caribbean, which are responsible for up to 30 percent of all cases of childhood lead poisoning.
9. Some candle wicks contain lead as a stiffener, which put enough lead into the air to exceed children's safe daily lead intake. Look for candles guaranteed to be lead free, and be careful in tightly closed rooms.
Clean Up Your Diet
It also offers ailment plans. I found mine: Hay Fever. I don't know how strictly I'll have to stick to this diet, it sounds pretty rough. It says 1. avoid typical allergens, such as wheat and dairy, 2. eat more organic fruits and veggies high in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and the mineral zinc, 3. avoid inflamatory foods such as red meat and eggs which contain arachidonic acid, and perhaps also tomatoes, egglplant, bell pepper, chili, white potato and tobacco (all also inflammatory), and 4. eat local honey so I get used to local pollen.
National Vaccine Information Center
Here's info. on California's whooping cough outbreak.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Avista renewable power
"When you sign up for Buck-A-Block, you make a voluntary payment above and beyond your normal rates. Avista makes no profit from that additional money, which goes to support the renewable energy many of our customers prefer by purchasing environmental offset from renewable energy generation.
"We also offer a renewable generation incentive (RGI) for Washington customers who install their own renewable energy systems, like solar panels, wind turbines or anaerobic digesters. To qualify, your system must be on the grid."
We tried this, and it is so easy. Wind energy is getting very close in price to the cheapest alternative. If its normally $26 dollars for a block of energy, the going rate is $1 more for the energy to be completely from wind energy. You can even buy extra blocks for your neighbors to make more energy use renewable.
Avista also offers many more incentives to be more energy efficient, and will recycle or reimburse old appliances.
"We also offer a renewable generation incentive (RGI) for Washington customers who install their own renewable energy systems, like solar panels, wind turbines or anaerobic digesters. To qualify, your system must be on the grid."
We tried this, and it is so easy. Wind energy is getting very close in price to the cheapest alternative. If its normally $26 dollars for a block of energy, the going rate is $1 more for the energy to be completely from wind energy. You can even buy extra blocks for your neighbors to make more energy use renewable.
Avista also offers many more incentives to be more energy efficient, and will recycle or reimburse old appliances.
Going Green
I was surprised when he brought them home. I asked him if he knew how much faster these biodegraded than Huggies, and wondered how much they cost. I think they were about 4 times as much. The link above is even cheaper, at 46 cents per diaper, whereas Huggies are about 22 cents per diaper.
My husband said he heard me talking about how we should go green on diapers. I said I wasn't serious, just thinking about it. I think it was a leap, though, into the darkness. We can go green! It is possible. This was a big step in letting go of old ways.
I do still want to know how quickly they biodegrade. They say "compostable," whatever that means. There's also hybrid diapers that are cloth with disposable inserts that biodegrade, and I think that's more what I was shooting for. Cloth would be great, too, even though they have downsides: stinky, require energy for washing, and water.
Milk and the Corporation
I was feeling a little radical proposing raw milk consumption, but yesterday my husband happened to have a lunch conversation about raw milk with a friend of ours. Apparently, someone in the Econ dept. is studying the topic and states that corporations have lobbied congress and now made it illegal to sell raw milk in some states, even though the health benefits are superior. Nutritionists state that supermarket milk just isn't what we need. It just makes it more convenient to get from producer to consumer, but makes it much more dangerous and not as healthy.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Campaign to change nutrition labels
I'm glad that the nutrition label has had some changes. When I was little, it was hardly readable. Its nice they made the print larger, and that trans fats are added to the picture. However, I would change a few very important things.
First off, I now believe the most important thing on the label is not the nutrition facts chart at all but the ingredients listing! I think the main thing to ask before eating is: is this real food?
Second, calories is right at the top of the chart, but focusing too much on calories loses sight of the fact that the chemicals put into diet sodas and low-fat foods often makes us more prone to weight gain than the actual fat and sugar it replaces.
Then on the actual chart, I think the Total Fat section should be expanded to include:
Omega 6 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids and its component DHA (these are essential for brain function, and we have no clue how much we're getting- do they want to raise U.S. test scores, or what?) The ratio of omega 3s to omega 6s in our diet is very important. At the turn of the century, they were eating more correctly, at about a 1:2 ratio. That ratio today is about 1:46. Omega 3s can be found in coldwater fish, primarily, fish capsules (keep refrigerated), walnuts, flax, also in grass-fed red meats and cage-free vegetarian-fed hen eggs. If it were labeled, we'd all see where it is! It'd be nice if all meats were labeled, period, with nutrition facts, but expanded to include omega-3 measurements.
Trans fats should be in milligrams instead of grams so there's no more deceptive labeling and
conjugated linoleic acid could be on there, too.
And, very importantly, the amount of post-production free glutamic acid present (see MSG) should be labeled, in grams, to the third decimal place. See more on this issue at Natural Health Care Products. There are lots of health risks from MSG consumption, and we have no idea how much we're eating.
Maybe post-production lead and arsenic should be labeled, too. Of course, that probably varies in production from month to month.
GMO definitely should be on the label, as well as irradiation. I think that's a consumer's right, yet the producers have vehemently decided for us that its not necessary, to prevent consumers being scared off from their product. Seriously! Its all about the money! Besides, how many people read labels anyway? Chill! People will still eat it anyway, label or no label, sadly.
What really should be jumping out at us to buy at the grocery store (fruits and vegetables!) don't even generally have a nutrition label. I wonder if we'd be amazed at the nutrition found in them (or lack thereof by growing and shipping practices), and want to buy them all up. The way our labels are set up, it destroys all the benefits of fruits and veggies; for example, I have a plastic baggie sitting on the counter stating calories, serving size, carbohydrates, fat, protein, and sodium, of common fruits and vegetables. Looking at it, it just doesn't make sense. No wonder there's so much confusion about nutrition. If we're comparing only those four components it almost makes celery equal to a salty soup. Should I avoid avocados, pears, and bananas because they're highest in calories, and start eating lots of cabbage, iceburg lettuce, cucumbers, and cauliflower? Ridiculous. I realize our food labels make no sense.
Currently on the label are macronutrients which include protein, fats, carbohydrates, (and water), and then micronutrients, which are vitamins, minerals, (and good bacteria). Sometimes I look at labels, and wonder how I'm even getting any vitamins and minerals (except in the case of fortified foods). Isn't it crazy how the nutrients are almost always 0% or 2%? If you're real lucky it may have 4% or 6% daily value. (My applesauce had 100% vitamin C, which I was surprised of. Then, I switched brands and realized it was all just the ascorbic acid added; my applesauce now has just 4% DV vitamin C and 8% iron.) I also wonder if there is ever a >1% DV in a food, is it always on the label? (You know... how its common to skip most and just put Vitamins C, A, Iron, and calcium?)
Beyond this, though, (note: its just a fantasy) but there's even more to put on the nutrition label. Heard of phytonutrients? Bioflavinoids? Antioxidants? Enzymes? Coenzymes? Cofactors? Amino acids? There are even some healthy properties of our food that science doesn't even know what they are yet, just knows they're there.
WIC is a national food program designed to benefit infants, children, and pregnant or nursing women by giving them checks for specific food items at registered stores. Its not meant to provide all the food that low-income children or expecting women need, but to supplement meager incomes with healthy foods in hopes of improving overall nutrition.
I first noticed WIC food choices were rather interesting about 3 years ago. The items that first struck me as odd were peanut butter and tuna fish. The foods available to buy on the check are pretty limited, and why peanut butter was selected was odd to me. Most children are advised not to eat peanut products until age two because of the risk of allergies.
Tuna fish is on pregnant women's checks, yet, the amount is right at the limit of a pregnant woman's recommended intake of tuna, assuming she's rationing a can per week and not eating more than one. I was told that peanut butter is a great source of protein. Tuna as well, and its high in omega 3s which are essential especially for developing infants. But, why does WIC warn about high mercury consumption, and then have it as a WIC item?
The other available foods through WIC are (See Federal online listing or Washington State specific brochure):
Select cereals Kix, Special K, Cheerios, Wheat Rice or Corn Chex, Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nut Flakes, Cream of Wheat, Life; I thought it was all great, increasing whole grain consumption. I've lately learned a little about cold cereals, and that due to the level of heat of production, whole grain cereals like Wheaties and Cheerios result in higher insulin spikes than even straight sugar. The high heat also destroys many nutrients, and "creates toxic elements that have caused rapid death in test animals," yet the FDA approves the use of words like cancer and heart-health promoting on the box. (Barbee, 117)
Milk Well, I've learned raw milk from grass-fed cows beats all, including increasing omega 3s, but raw milk isn't allowed. Nor is goats milk, which is fit for those that can't digest cow's milk. Homogenizing milk (all supermarket brands) makes xanthine oxidase (which damages arterial walls) more absorbed in humans. (Read Politically Incorrect Nutrition.) The growth hormone rBST which has been linked to cancer and weakened immune, and is also important to avoid. In Washington state, rBST-free are readily available and labeled.
In the second year of life, children are given whole milk, which fats help in "brain development." At 2 years of age, they are then switched to anything but whole milk. Are we supposed to believe that the brain instantly doesn't need those fats for development anymore, and "dieting" should be higher priority? Low fat, reduced fat, and skim often have milk solids added which increases free glutamic acid.
eggs Organic eggs aren't allowed, which are higher in omega 3s, but I wonder if advertised vegetarian-fed "cage-free" eggs are, which also have higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, essential for brain function. If they're not, I'm sure WIC would change if they realized more omega 3s would be available.
fruit juice This is one of the worst. Sure, it gives vitamins, and it comes from fruit, right? Well, its best fresh made at home. Pasteurization of packaged juice destroys a lot of the enzymes and other nutrients. Just sitting on the shelf, it loses nutrients. Its basically just a sugar drink. It also comes in a plastic bottle- BPA threat? or, tin can- aluminum threat?
WIC offers so much juice. Juice is one of the major sources of sugar in children's diets, right next to soda, according to Behavior and Nutrition. Dentists advise not giving these juices in sippy cups for all-day sipping, which leads to tooth decay, as well as hyperactivity, insulin resistance, and further down the road, type II diabetes. Boxed juice also contains lead, but big deal; so does much of our food.
dried beans Sounds good. They give out a cookbook of bean recipes to expand our world of beans. Cheap, great food storage food :), and they say "baby's love beans."
dried beans or peanut butter Who's really going to choose $1 worth of free beans over $3 worth of free peanut butter, even if it is allergenic? Avoid trans fats by buying 100% natural (Adam's) peanut butter.
canned meats Tuna: contains mercury, but excellent for omega 3s.
cheese Great. Gotta love this one. Just trying to switch over to raw milk cheese, rBST free, from grass-fed cows, and annatto coloring isn't great for us, nor are enzymes.
fruit and vegetable choices They just barely started this. Much needed.
whole grain choices choose corn tortillas, bulgur, oatmeal, brown rice, or 100% whole grain bread (all if its the right weight). Many dough conditioners, additives, and preservatives, aren't good for us. Bread is best homemade.
soy beverages, tofu Soy is not a complete protein; also, unfermented soy products can lead to hyperthyroidism
infant formula, cereal, and baby food Infant formula and baby foods often have hidden MSG and/or BPA. Most people I know have an excess of baby foods and cereals from WIC that they never used.
So, overall, is WIC helping or hurting? I'm not anti-government-choosing-for-us what we eat, so its not Twinkies and Ho-hos, especially when we've got an obesity epidemic and we're undergoing universal healthcare. I think WIC is pretty helpful in many ways (whole grains, fruits and veggies). A real problem is just our food system in general, so how can you blame WIC when its got poor food to choose from?
But, money is voting power, and whoever decides what WIC can and cannot buy has a lot of power to choose a lot of votes in our food supply, for good or ill. What really kills me is the bottled fruit juice and the no-raw no-goats now no-organic milk, and, well, you can see what else I wrote above about the other items.
I first noticed WIC food choices were rather interesting about 3 years ago. The items that first struck me as odd were peanut butter and tuna fish. The foods available to buy on the check are pretty limited, and why peanut butter was selected was odd to me. Most children are advised not to eat peanut products until age two because of the risk of allergies.
Tuna fish is on pregnant women's checks, yet, the amount is right at the limit of a pregnant woman's recommended intake of tuna, assuming she's rationing a can per week and not eating more than one. I was told that peanut butter is a great source of protein. Tuna as well, and its high in omega 3s which are essential especially for developing infants. But, why does WIC warn about high mercury consumption, and then have it as a WIC item?
The other available foods through WIC are (See Federal online listing or Washington State specific brochure):
- Select cold cereals
- Milk
- eggs
- fruit juice
- dried beans
- dried beans or peanut butter
- canned meats
- cheese
- fruit and vegetable choices
- whole grain choices
- soy beverages
- infant formula, cereal, and baby food
Select cereals Kix, Special K, Cheerios, Wheat Rice or Corn Chex, Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nut Flakes, Cream of Wheat, Life; I thought it was all great, increasing whole grain consumption. I've lately learned a little about cold cereals, and that due to the level of heat of production, whole grain cereals like Wheaties and Cheerios result in higher insulin spikes than even straight sugar. The high heat also destroys many nutrients, and "creates toxic elements that have caused rapid death in test animals," yet the FDA approves the use of words like cancer and heart-health promoting on the box. (Barbee, 117)
Milk Well, I've learned raw milk from grass-fed cows beats all, including increasing omega 3s, but raw milk isn't allowed. Nor is goats milk, which is fit for those that can't digest cow's milk. Homogenizing milk (all supermarket brands) makes xanthine oxidase (which damages arterial walls) more absorbed in humans. (Read Politically Incorrect Nutrition.) The growth hormone rBST which has been linked to cancer and weakened immune, and is also important to avoid. In Washington state, rBST-free are readily available and labeled.
In the second year of life, children are given whole milk, which fats help in "brain development." At 2 years of age, they are then switched to anything but whole milk. Are we supposed to believe that the brain instantly doesn't need those fats for development anymore, and "dieting" should be higher priority? Low fat, reduced fat, and skim often have milk solids added which increases free glutamic acid.
eggs Organic eggs aren't allowed, which are higher in omega 3s, but I wonder if advertised vegetarian-fed "cage-free" eggs are, which also have higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, essential for brain function. If they're not, I'm sure WIC would change if they realized more omega 3s would be available.
fruit juice This is one of the worst. Sure, it gives vitamins, and it comes from fruit, right? Well, its best fresh made at home. Pasteurization of packaged juice destroys a lot of the enzymes and other nutrients. Just sitting on the shelf, it loses nutrients. Its basically just a sugar drink. It also comes in a plastic bottle- BPA threat? or, tin can- aluminum threat?
WIC offers so much juice. Juice is one of the major sources of sugar in children's diets, right next to soda, according to Behavior and Nutrition. Dentists advise not giving these juices in sippy cups for all-day sipping, which leads to tooth decay, as well as hyperactivity, insulin resistance, and further down the road, type II diabetes. Boxed juice also contains lead, but big deal; so does much of our food.
dried beans Sounds good. They give out a cookbook of bean recipes to expand our world of beans. Cheap, great food storage food :), and they say "baby's love beans."
dried beans or peanut butter Who's really going to choose $1 worth of free beans over $3 worth of free peanut butter, even if it is allergenic? Avoid trans fats by buying 100% natural (Adam's) peanut butter.
canned meats Tuna: contains mercury, but excellent for omega 3s.
cheese Great. Gotta love this one. Just trying to switch over to raw milk cheese, rBST free, from grass-fed cows, and annatto coloring isn't great for us, nor are enzymes.
fruit and vegetable choices They just barely started this. Much needed.
whole grain choices choose corn tortillas, bulgur, oatmeal, brown rice, or 100% whole grain bread (all if its the right weight). Many dough conditioners, additives, and preservatives, aren't good for us. Bread is best homemade.
soy beverages, tofu Soy is not a complete protein; also, unfermented soy products can lead to hyperthyroidism
infant formula, cereal, and baby food Infant formula and baby foods often have hidden MSG and/or BPA. Most people I know have an excess of baby foods and cereals from WIC that they never used.
So, overall, is WIC helping or hurting? I'm not anti-government-choosing-for-us what we eat, so its not Twinkies and Ho-hos, especially when we've got an obesity epidemic and we're undergoing universal healthcare. I think WIC is pretty helpful in many ways (whole grains, fruits and veggies). A real problem is just our food system in general, so how can you blame WIC when its got poor food to choose from?
But, money is voting power, and whoever decides what WIC can and cannot buy has a lot of power to choose a lot of votes in our food supply, for good or ill. What really kills me is the bottled fruit juice and the no-raw no-goats now no-organic milk, and, well, you can see what else I wrote above about the other items.
Alkaline foods
I was first introduced to the idea of eating alkaline foods reading Politically Correct Nutrition, but didn't quite understand the significance. Kevin Tudreau states it is a natural remedy; the more alkaline we are the better able we will be to fight off disease. The more acid our bodies are, the more susceptible to illness we becomes.
Here's a list of alkaline foods from However, here's another list from which contradicts it, at least for lentils, so(?).
Clean Up Your Diet by Max Tomlinson lists "asparagus, onions, parsley, broccoli, garlic, okra, squash, green beans, celery, lettuces, sweet potatoes, zucchini, lemons, limes, grapefruits, mangoes, papayas, figs, kiwis, apples, pears, and all kinds of melon" as alkalizing foods.
Here's a list of alkaline foods from However, here's another list from which contradicts it, at least for lentils, so(?).
Clean Up Your Diet by Max Tomlinson lists "asparagus, onions, parsley, broccoli, garlic, okra, squash, green beans, celery, lettuces, sweet potatoes, zucchini, lemons, limes, grapefruits, mangoes, papayas, figs, kiwis, apples, pears, and all kinds of melon" as alkalizing foods.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is good for many things. This post goes out to my husband who is a huge advocate.
Apple Cider Vinegar should be unadulterated and selected to contain "The Mother" to get the best benefit. Kevin Tudreau in his book Natural Cures makes clear that the FDA strictly enforces its law that "only a drug can treat, prevent, or cure a disease," in order to destroy natural, unpatentable cures' ability to interfere with the sale of highly profitable patented drugs. This point comes home when I look at the back of our apple cider vinegar bottle, which states lots of benefits, but "The comments here are not evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." The reason they have to put that on the back of the bottle is that if they did claim it could do any of the above, they would be selling "drugs" without a license, and could potentially be put in jail or receive other retaliation by the FDA.
Here's what it says: Hippocrates, called the Father of Medicine, first prescribed it as a remedy in 400 B.C. (Ironic that the Father of Medicine prescribed it but it cannot even be claimed to help disease today.) They offer a book on the remedies and recipes of vinegar by sending $12 to Appleseed Orchards PO Box 1340 Sebastopol, CA 95473. Works as a disinfectant for things such as phones and computers so dangerous chemicals aren't on our hands and fingers, whiffing it helps with sniffles and stuffed noses, it repels insects, removes rust, whitens dingy socks, loosens hardened paint brushes, stops poison oak itch, and cleans shower mildew.
My husband's favorite use of it is to drink it diluted when he feels a cold or flu coming on. It changes the body's PH to prevent disease. My favorite use is taking a bath in it; its the best thing for a yeast infection even above over the counter meds and eating plain yogurts. Drinking lots of water is also helpful.
Apple Cider Vinegar should be unadulterated and selected to contain "The Mother" to get the best benefit. Kevin Tudreau in his book Natural Cures makes clear that the FDA strictly enforces its law that "only a drug can treat, prevent, or cure a disease," in order to destroy natural, unpatentable cures' ability to interfere with the sale of highly profitable patented drugs. This point comes home when I look at the back of our apple cider vinegar bottle, which states lots of benefits, but "The comments here are not evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." The reason they have to put that on the back of the bottle is that if they did claim it could do any of the above, they would be selling "drugs" without a license, and could potentially be put in jail or receive other retaliation by the FDA.
Here's what it says: Hippocrates, called the Father of Medicine, first prescribed it as a remedy in 400 B.C. (Ironic that the Father of Medicine prescribed it but it cannot even be claimed to help disease today.) They offer a book on the remedies and recipes of vinegar by sending $12 to Appleseed Orchards PO Box 1340 Sebastopol, CA 95473. Works as a disinfectant for things such as phones and computers so dangerous chemicals aren't on our hands and fingers, whiffing it helps with sniffles and stuffed noses, it repels insects, removes rust, whitens dingy socks, loosens hardened paint brushes, stops poison oak itch, and cleans shower mildew.
My husband's favorite use of it is to drink it diluted when he feels a cold or flu coming on. It changes the body's PH to prevent disease. My favorite use is taking a bath in it; its the best thing for a yeast infection even above over the counter meds and eating plain yogurts. Drinking lots of water is also helpful.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
"Dr. Mech suggests that parents stop being 'wimps' with their children's demands for junk food. He has treated children with seizures, depression, eating disorders, etc., whose symptoms completely disappeared when parents got tough about what they ate. He blames "unparented kids" and excitotoxins for delinquent, frustrated kids with "attitude". The lack of being models for "impulse control" by parents and culture, sets kids up for ADD and failure. Parents let other people and the media teach behavior which can sometimes reinforce disrespect for elders and the acceptance of violence. Add excitotoxins and you have explosive kids. How can we be examples of delayed gratification if we have lost touch with it?
He called MSG the first "gateway drug". This kind of drug leads to other drugs due to its ability to diminish impulse control at a very early age. Schools have caved in on fast foods for our children. Few serve untainted lunches anymore. He has little patience for parents and educators who say, "But it's the only thing they will eat" in reference to processed j junk foods. He disdains what he labels "Toxic Food Manufacturers (TFM's) who say, "Snack foods are important to the American diet." He criticizes doctors who are so quick to use drugs to treat children and adults for conditions (often behavioral) caused by excitotoxins. He claims that funding by drug companies compels doctors to prescribe more and more medicines. He also said 'Don't believe doctors who tell you that you or your child will probably always be on drugs.'" (Anglesey, 63)
He called MSG the first "gateway drug". This kind of drug leads to other drugs due to its ability to diminish impulse control at a very early age. Schools have caved in on fast foods for our children. Few serve untainted lunches anymore. He has little patience for parents and educators who say, "But it's the only thing they will eat" in reference to processed j junk foods. He disdains what he labels "Toxic Food Manufacturers (TFM's) who say, "Snack foods are important to the American diet." He criticizes doctors who are so quick to use drugs to treat children and adults for conditions (often behavioral) caused by excitotoxins. He claims that funding by drug companies compels doctors to prescribe more and more medicines. He also said 'Don't believe doctors who tell you that you or your child will probably always be on drugs.'" (Anglesey, 63)
Sacred Planet
Educational quality: 4 stars
Quality footage: 5 stars
This movie is a must see (Nat, James, Mom, Dad). It is healing for the soul. It would count as your yoga for the day. I like the way this is presented, and I think it speaks volumes, better than The Corporation, Speaking Freely, Homo Toxicus, Daily Bread, etc., to get the point across: where to find real wealth.
We went to see the artwork of Matthew Leiker "World of Mateo" at WSU's Museum of Art yesterday. It was fun. His website World of unfortunately doesn't display his donut shop or carwash. But contrast his artwork, which makes consumerism look fun, clean, and carefree, with the WSU art exhibit displayed at the Seattle Pacific Science Center in January 2010, and you get a quite different perspective. Chris Jordan's work is called "Running the Numbers."
How to Survive an Earthquake
See "How to Survive an Earthquake" by Doug Copp, Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), and United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. Lie in the Fetal position next to a large object but not under it, as it will get crushed, but the ceiling will be supported by the large crushed object and create a space. For example, lay in the fetal position next to your car, bed, or in the aisles at school between the desks. Avoid stairs and doorways, and its best to be near the perimeter of the building so you can escape once the earthquake is over.
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), and United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. Lie in the Fetal position next to a large object but not under it, as it will get crushed, but the ceiling will be supported by the large crushed object and create a space. For example, lay in the fetal position next to your car, bed, or in the aisles at school between the desks. Avoid stairs and doorways, and its best to be near the perimeter of the building so you can escape once the earthquake is over.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Corporation
I first noticed aluminum in our food when I read the back of my salt box. I had just assumed salt would be safe for food storage, but it actually contained sodium silicoaluminate as the second ingredient, along with dextrose, and sodium bicarbonate (which obviously may also contain aluminum), all of which I'd rather not be eating.
We opted for Morton table salt, which has just salt and "Calcium Silicate" (an anti-caking agent). Unfortunately, its not iodized, and I have no idea what calcium silicate is.
In soy infant formulas, "Liquid soy products, often produced in aluminum tanks, contain 50 to 100 times more aluminum than breast milk (in addition to high levels of cadmium). The high manganese content of soy formula has already been implicated in harming the infant brain."
"There are several studies linking aluminum with fluoride, showing that aluminum is absorbed more completely in the presence of fluoride. The aluminum in the brains of test animals doubles when accompanied by fluoride, resulting in brain tangles (amyloid deposits). Fluoride is neurotoxic by itself, but becomes many times more toxic when combined with aluminum." This makes drinking soda particularly dangerous, as soda contains fluoridated water.
I bought my husband an aluminum water bottle (the trend to avoid BPA) after he bought me a stainless steel one at ShopKo. I think I'll have to upgrade his.
Disposable aluminum pans, commonly used for freezer meals or potlucks, may corrode in contact with acidic foods such as tomato sauces. So, use sparingly or for short durations with acidic foods.
Developing Brains II
Fetuses exposed to high levels of MSG won't appear to have birth defects. The affects will come much later on in development, perhaps decades later.
See developing brains first post
John Perkins Speaking Freely
Toothpaste and Shampoo
Brand names from Debby's book for MSG free products:
Detergent All Free and Clear and Biokleen Free and Clear detergent
Shampoo Shampoo for color treated hair is milder, but avoid hydrolyzed proteins (wheat, silk, milk, soy) if listed
Soap Clearly Natural unscented glycerine soap for skin and hair
Dr. Bronner's soaps and liquid castile for shampoo (the soap can be used to brush teeth)
Dove soap for sensitive skin- no perfume or dyes
Toothpaste Baking soda, Homeodent
Deoderant Sure Original, plain baking soda
Detergent All Free and Clear and Biokleen Free and Clear detergent
Shampoo Shampoo for color treated hair is milder, but avoid hydrolyzed proteins (wheat, silk, milk, soy) if listed
Soap Clearly Natural unscented glycerine soap for skin and hair
Dr. Bronner's soaps and liquid castile for shampoo (the soap can be used to brush teeth)
Dove soap for sensitive skin- no perfume or dyes
Toothpaste Baking soda, Homeodent
Deoderant Sure Original, plain baking soda
Friday, June 25, 2010
Polyunsaturated fats
"Unrefined polyunsaturated oils in small amounts can help provide us with some of the essential omega-6 fatty acids our bodies require. A better source for these essential fats would be vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. The public, however, is consuming way too many polyunsaturated oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, and soy. Too many of these fats can upset the balance they must keep with the omega-3 fatty acids, contributing to a number of problems including immune system dysfunction; damage to the liver, reproductive organs, and lungs; digestive disorders; depressed learning ability; impaired growth, and weight gain.
"Polyunsaturated oils are easily oxidized, making them a source of free radicals, which injure the arteries and create a situation that cholesterol tries to remedy. Not only does cholesterol attempt to repair the lesions created by free radical damage, it may be helping to prevent such damage in the first place by acting as a potent antioxidant."
"High intake of polyunsaturated oils weakens cellular membranes. When this occurs, cholessterol comes to the rescue. Additional cholesterol enters teh cell membrane in order to stabilize and restore proper cellular function. In the process, cholesterol is drawn from the bloodstream, thereby lowering serum levels temporarily." This is sometimes misinterpreted that polyunsaturated fats are heart healthy. "In fact, it appears that cholesterol is simply trying to repair the damage done by high levels of polyunsaturated oils. These fats were not common many decades ago when heart disease and certain other chronic diseases were rare." (taken from Politically Incorrect Nutrition by Michael Barbee, C.D.C., p 22)
"Polyunsaturated oils are easily oxidized, making them a source of free radicals, which injure the arteries and create a situation that cholesterol tries to remedy. Not only does cholesterol attempt to repair the lesions created by free radical damage, it may be helping to prevent such damage in the first place by acting as a potent antioxidant."
"High intake of polyunsaturated oils weakens cellular membranes. When this occurs, cholessterol comes to the rescue. Additional cholesterol enters teh cell membrane in order to stabilize and restore proper cellular function. In the process, cholesterol is drawn from the bloodstream, thereby lowering serum levels temporarily." This is sometimes misinterpreted that polyunsaturated fats are heart healthy. "In fact, it appears that cholesterol is simply trying to repair the damage done by high levels of polyunsaturated oils. These fats were not common many decades ago when heart disease and certain other chronic diseases were rare." (taken from Politically Incorrect Nutrition by Michael Barbee, C.D.C., p 22)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Anecdotal (disease) Evidence of MSG
Is this MSG thing for real? Are we really being poisoned? The evidence keeps stacking up. I wanted to show here that we're getting astronomically more sick. See stories of those that recover from various symptoms by eliminating MSG from their diet here.
The amount of MSG in our food doubles every 10 years.
ADHD has increased 500% since 1991.
Deaths from ALS have increased 4-fold in 50 years.
The rise in asthma was 42% in the US from 1982 – 1992. The death rate rose 40% from 1982-1991.
Mortality rates for atrial fibrillation have almost doubled since 1993.
In Canada from 1995- 2000 visits to doctors for depression rose 36% in just 6 years. Also, since 1996 prescriptions to treat depression increased 63%. China, a large consumer of MSG, accounts for 42% of all suicides in the world.
Autism has increased astronomically, so that baby boys now have a 1 in 96 chance of having autism.
See these statistics here.
The amount of MSG in our food doubles every 10 years.
ADHD has increased 500% since 1991.
Deaths from ALS have increased 4-fold in 50 years.
The rise in asthma was 42% in the US from 1982 – 1992. The death rate rose 40% from 1982-1991.
Mortality rates for atrial fibrillation have almost doubled since 1993.
In Canada from 1995- 2000 visits to doctors for depression rose 36% in just 6 years. Also, since 1996 prescriptions to treat depression increased 63%. China, a large consumer of MSG, accounts for 42% of all suicides in the world.
Autism has increased astronomically, so that baby boys now have a 1 in 96 chance of having autism.
See these statistics here.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Real Milk
I called Moscow Food Co-op, to see if they knew where to get raw milk. They said their milk comes from Spokane, we discussed how we didn't really know of any local dairies, and she said that raw milk is legal in Idaho, but no one is certified to sell it yet. She suggested I google real milk. Found a web site:
I didn't see anything local. Thank goodness we're moving.
2007 Autism/Glutamate Report
"The biggest news about autism in 30 years"
by Nikhil Swaminathan at Scientific
"The biggest news about autism in 30 years"
by Nikhil Swaminathan at Scientific
"A February 2007 news release has validated what we have been suggesting for years. A Canadian team has lead research that has involved 120 scientists from 19 countries and 50 institutions. Studied were the genetic codes of 1168 families, each of which had at least two autistic sufferers. In the analysis, researchers implicated the gene neurexin 1 on chromosome 2, and a sequence on chromosome 11. They code for glutamate synapses and receptors and transport proteins that deal directly with glutamate's use as a neurotransmitter. The study mentions gluamate's role in wiring the brain during early fetal development and its ability to elevate neuronal activity. Neurexin 1 is specifically believed to be involved in glutamate synapses. A combination of mutations in any of these genes could contribute to the likelihood of being born with autism. Competing theories linking autism to environmental factors persist. One such theory that the report mentioned, linked mercury in childhood vaccines. In a recent e-mail from Jack Samuels discussing these new findings with me, he said, "While everyone is looking for a connection of mercury to autism, the following referenced article should have encouraged scientists to look for a possible connection of the ever increasing use of free glutamic acid (MSG) in our food supply.": Paschner et al. ("Methylmercury alters glutamate transport in astrocytes." Neurochem Int. Aug-Sep, 200; 37 (23): 199-206). It states, "In the absence of glutamate, neurons are unaffected by acute exposure to mercury... Co-application of nontoxic concentrations of methylmercury and glutamate leads to typical appearance of neuronal lesions associated with excitotoxic stimulation (Matyha and Albrecht 1993.)" Although ethylmercury was used in some vaccines, it is Jacks' understanding that it would have the same effect as methylmercury. Glutamate was present in many childhood vaccines where mercury was also present. I agree with Jack Samuels when he says, 'One must ask if autism is directly related to genetic defect (above) or if a predisposition for autism is inherited, a predisposition that is activated due to the ever increasing amount of processed free glutamic acid and aspartame that pregnant women are exposed to.' Keep in mind, in the last 10 years, the number of diagnosed cases of autism has increased ten-fold. And as Carol Hoernlein posted on our board at, many autistic children share many of the symptoms we (MSG reactive individuals) suffer. "Twenty percent have epilepsy. Many have food sensitivieties, hyperactivity, sensitivity to light, sound, pain. They throw tantrums, have digestive distress.' This comes as vindication after decades of being told that MSG (glutamate) sensitivity was 'all in our heads.' We look forward to more research and answers with excitement and hope." (Anglesey, Battling the "MSG Myth", p 60).
See theory of autism flow chart
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Vegetable oil
See video "heart healthy" oils are really rancid oils. Recommended to use cold pressed olive oil or coconut oil.
Dr. Blaylock, M.D. from Excitotoxins (p 230): "The majority of fats in the American diet consist of what are called omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This includes the essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acids, which are high in corn, cotton, soya, safflower, and sunflower oils. While the popular trend, initiated by the American Heart Association, promotes the use of polyunsaturated oils, there is growing evidence that these oils promote the generation of "bad" as well as "good" eicosanoids. In fact, there is significant evidence that these oils may actually promote arteriosclerosis, and therefore, coronary artery disease and strokes."
Cancer mortality rates have risen along with the increase in vegetable oil consumption. SOme of the blame for cancer must rest with teh free radicals that are created by the heating, deodorizing, and refining of vegetable oils, which are stripped of most of their protective vitamin E in the process.
A significant risk factor for developing heart disease is high levels of a substance in the blood called lipoprotein(a). This Lp(a) is a 'sticky' variant of LDL cholesterol and appears to help form arterial plaques. Saturated fat lowers levels of this damaging substance while consumption of trans fat raises the amount of Lp(a) in the blood. Cell membranes simply prefer saturated fat, but through their advertising, promoters of the vegetable oil industry have tried to convince us otherwise. A high consumption of polyunsaturated fats, however, has long been connected to the development of cancer and heart disease.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is found not only in beef fat, but in lamb, buffalo, and ruminants, whole milk, cheese, and butter. Studies show that consumption of raw milk, yogurt, and buttermilk reduces the risk of breast cancer. Women with breast cancer have lower CLA levels in their blood than those without this disease. CLA inhibits the growth of human breast cancer cells, malignant melanoma, colorectal, and lung cancer cells, and animal studies suggest it lowers LDL, resulting in less atherosclerosis and being good for the heart.
Avoiding CLA may be a factor contributing to obesity. "It has been established that eating essential fatty acids helps the body metabolize other fats more efficiently, thereby contributing to weight loss. Yes, eating the right fats help you lose weight. CLA inhibits fat cells from getting fatter. Human studies have shown that consuming moderate amounts of CLA for three months without dieting resulted in as much as a 20 percent loss of body fat. Apparently, CLA affects fat metabolism by interfering with the activity of fat-regulating hormone, leptin, and possibly by increasing insulin sensitivity." (Barbee, p34) It can manage type-2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and reducing body weight. CLA can also stimulate the development of muscle tissue, besides ridding the body of fat, thus body builders take CLA suplements. There is also substantive evidence that CLA is antioxidant.
Unfortunately, good quality CLA is hard to come by in our current food system. Grain-fed beef, Bovine Growth Hormone, skim-, low-fat, and homogenization are to blame.
"Cattle-raising practices over the years have yielded meat that is contaminated with hormones and antibiotics, as well as pesticide residue from the grains fed to the animals. Today's typical beef contains an unnatural, overabundance of the omega-6 fatty acids. Not only that, animals fed hay and grains have a much lower CLA content. Ruminants have digestive tracts that convert the linoleic acid in food they eat into CLA, and when their food is green grass, the CLA content of the meat, or the milk, is many times higher. Grain-fed beef today is deficient not only in CLA but also in the healthy omega 3-fatty acids. Therefore, a search for organically raised beef is well worth the effort, particularly if the animals are allowed to graze." Buffalo meat is also good; they are not fed hormones and eat plenty of grass. (Barbee, p35)
The growth hormone rBST creates higher levels of a specific protein linked to cancer, enhances diabetes in people prone to the disease, and weakens the immune system in humans. It also makes more antibiotics necessary for the cows. Pasteurization destroys many protective health promoting nutrients. Homogenizing milk causes humans to absorb xanthine oxidase, which causes heart disease by damaging the arterial walls (raw milk is best, if it can safely be done). Taking the fat out of milk reduces CLA content, and, obviously, so does drinking soy milk instead of cow milk.
Avoiding CLA may be a factor contributing to obesity. "It has been established that eating essential fatty acids helps the body metabolize other fats more efficiently, thereby contributing to weight loss. Yes, eating the right fats help you lose weight. CLA inhibits fat cells from getting fatter. Human studies have shown that consuming moderate amounts of CLA for three months without dieting resulted in as much as a 20 percent loss of body fat. Apparently, CLA affects fat metabolism by interfering with the activity of fat-regulating hormone, leptin, and possibly by increasing insulin sensitivity." (Barbee, p34) It can manage type-2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and reducing body weight. CLA can also stimulate the development of muscle tissue, besides ridding the body of fat, thus body builders take CLA suplements. There is also substantive evidence that CLA is antioxidant.
Unfortunately, good quality CLA is hard to come by in our current food system. Grain-fed beef, Bovine Growth Hormone, skim-, low-fat, and homogenization are to blame.
"Cattle-raising practices over the years have yielded meat that is contaminated with hormones and antibiotics, as well as pesticide residue from the grains fed to the animals. Today's typical beef contains an unnatural, overabundance of the omega-6 fatty acids. Not only that, animals fed hay and grains have a much lower CLA content. Ruminants have digestive tracts that convert the linoleic acid in food they eat into CLA, and when their food is green grass, the CLA content of the meat, or the milk, is many times higher. Grain-fed beef today is deficient not only in CLA but also in the healthy omega 3-fatty acids. Therefore, a search for organically raised beef is well worth the effort, particularly if the animals are allowed to graze." Buffalo meat is also good; they are not fed hormones and eat plenty of grass. (Barbee, p35)
The growth hormone rBST creates higher levels of a specific protein linked to cancer, enhances diabetes in people prone to the disease, and weakens the immune system in humans. It also makes more antibiotics necessary for the cows. Pasteurization destroys many protective health promoting nutrients. Homogenizing milk causes humans to absorb xanthine oxidase, which causes heart disease by damaging the arterial walls (raw milk is best, if it can safely be done). Taking the fat out of milk reduces CLA content, and, obviously, so does drinking soy milk instead of cow milk.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Medical Doctors' lack of training in nutrition clip
Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
Presidents of the church say that learning how herbs and other natural remedies can cure us is a part of provident living. Aren't there over 4,000+ to learn? That's a lot to catch up on, especially when we've been so handicapped to just take drugs and not learn anything.
See War on Alternative Health Care and Nutrition.
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